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Join Zonta Club of Corvallis

How to Join Zonta

The best way to become a member of Zonta is to get in contact with a current Zonta member and ask them about Zonta, and let them know you would be interested in attending a meeting. If you don’t know a local Zontian, please contact us, and our membership chair will get in touch with you to make an introduction.


Steps Toward Zonta Membership

Individuals joining Zonta (both Women and Men) are encouraged to attend at least one business meeting or evening program meeting. See meeting times below for information. Participation in a Zonta event, such as our annual Fundraiser or Football Shuttle, is a great way to get to know our members and our activities. After the first or second meeting attended, the  membership committee will  offer a formal invitation to apply for membership. An application needs to be completed, and the membership committee will review qualifications and eligibility of the new member. Upon approval by the board, new members will be invited to join the club.


Responsibilities of Zonta Club of Corvallis Members

Being a Zontian has many benefits including the intrinsic rewards of service, enjoyment of great fellowship and advantages of strong mentoring, networking and support. The responsibilities of Zonta members include regular attendance at monthly meetings, participation on one of the active sub-committees of the club, participation in both our annual fundraiser (for scholarships and grants) and football shuttle fundraiser (to offset costs of the club),  and regular payment of annual dues. In addition to these responsibilities, there are many other service and social opportunities in the club.


Zonta Events Range from Monthly Noon Membership Meetings to Celebrations of Key Events and More......

Zonta members meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. These meetings, held at the Corvallis Community Center (C3) at noon, last about an hour. We also hold evening meetings where we may have more in-depth program about a subject of interest related to our mission. If you would like to attend a Zonta meeting to find out more about what we do, please ask any member of Zonta or contact us.


Business Meetings: Held monthly on the first Tuesday of each month, 11:45am,  Corvallis Community Center (C3), 27th & Polk, Corvallis, Oregon.


Board Meetings: Held monthly  prior to the monthly Business Meetings.


Evening Meetings: Held at least two times a year in lieu of the monthly noon Membership meeting, also usually at the C3.  Installation of Officers are held at the evening meeting in May.


Social Events


Among the duties of the Membership/Attendance and Fellowship Committee is the coordination of social events to help connect the club members outside of club service or business activities. They get to be in charge of fun! Activities range from Socials to Evening Meetings, to other fun events.




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