Crescent Valley Z Club was the first Z Club in Oregon. Since its founding, club members have worked on service projects and have educated their peers on women’s issues through forums and posters around the school. This year they received “Best School Service Project” award.
Club President. Stephanie Wang
Faculty Sponsor: Mary Johnson
Zonta Advisors: Angie Stambuck and Friah Rogers
The Crescent Valley Z Club is a vibrant and active club of 45 plus members. These members use leadership through service to make a difference at CV, in the Corvallis community, and in the world. They have been a part of the Zonta Auction from their beginning in 2002 and offer a very popular Chocolate basket to raffle. One of their favorite activities is baking cookies for the Pastega House and teaming up in the May for the CARDV 5K Walk/Run. They have at least one community project and an international project each year. Last year they sold carnations at school to raise money for the World Food Program. This year they see so much need and have yet to decide. The Z club is also asked every year by our Zonta Club of Corvallis to select a book following the Rose Day theme for the school library . This year they chose two books on human trafficking: One Child Sold by Larry Jaffe and Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof.
In October 2010, the Crescent Valley Z Club received the Zonta District award for Outstanding School Projects. This year they are mentoring and help the Crysallis Project. The club celebrates International Women’s day with posters of notable women and quotes throughout the school and give a small gift to the women staff and faculty. In the past, they have also made posters, held forums, and discussed difficult topics such as: Female Genital Mutilation, Domestic Violence, and recently Human Trafficking to help students understand the issues and problems of women throughout the world.
Among the outstanding members of the club is 2011 Corvallis Junior First Citizen Alejandra Gonzales.
The Crescent Valley Z club was chartered January 18, 2000. The chartering was an exciting event for Zonta District 8 since it was the first District 8 Z club to be chartered in” the lower 48”. Founding Sponsor and Board were:
Zonta Sponsor was: Liz Humphrey
President of the Zonta Club of Corvallis was Ronna Pomeroy
CV Faculty Advisor was: Melissa Harter
Z Club President: Kit Lean
Vice President: Lindsey McLaren
Secretary: Erin Waldron
Treasurer: Meghan Nichols
Board Member: Lissa Humphrey